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Transmission Control Module
A transmission control module is an electrical control unit or computer that is used to control electronic automatic transmissions. Transmission control modules, or TCMs, use sensors in the vehicle and data from the engine control unit to determine when to shift gears. The TCM allows your vehicle to determine the best time to shift to maximize fuel economy, shift quality, and reduce wear and tear. The transmission control module determines the best time for your vehicle to change gears. Based on data it receives from the rest of the vehicle, the TCM tells your transmission when to upshift or downshift.

What Causes a Transmission Control Module to Fail
  • Sudden voltage variations
  • Mechanical shock
  • Effects of strong vibrations
  • Increased temperature
  • Exposure to moisture
  • Overheating From Engine
  • Bad Soldering in TCM Circuit Board
  • Faulty Wiring
All the above-mentioned factors may lead to the TCM failure and, as a result, to high-priced replacement or repair. The TCM diagnostics is implemented with the help of special equipment, which helps to accurately detect the source of the problem. In some cases, it is much easier to replace the TCM unit altogether, thereby solving problems in operation of the transmission.